The Human Struggle

Commonwealth Baptist Church
2 min readDec 16, 2021

Tom & Donna Sheridan
Psalm 80:1–7; Jeremiah 31:31–34; Hebrews 10:10–18

The Israelites of the Northern Tribes suffered brutally under the Assyrian captivity for 70 years — probably over about three generations given life expectancies in those days. One might expect that in the intervening three millennia, humanity would have become wiser and less destructive. Unfortunately, much of our world today is still a bitter and violent arena. Just look at what is happening in Afghanistan, and in Syria, and in Madagascar, and in Somalia, and in Nigeria, and countless other danger zones. But amid that ancient Old Testament horror of captivity, God tells the Israelites: “I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah”. The new covenant will be different — — and better — — because God will offer his own son’s life as sanctification for all our sins for all time. We are all unworthy, but we get this incredible gift as “part of the deal”!

Now we are again in the Christmas season. To many of us, this is a joyous, happy time of year filled with anticipation. But to many people around the world who are suffering without food, shelter, or a means to support their families, this is just another month, another day in a painful blur of time. But we who know the Lord God can make a positive difference — — a prayer, a kind word or deed, a donation — — whatever we choose to offer can both help stimulate the Holy Spirit within us and help in some way to ease the pain of those much less fortunate. God works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform. Let’s welcome him and enjoy his wonder!

